
Syllabus of CAT (Common Aptitude Test) conducted by IIM for MBA Entrance

Syllabus of CAT (Common Aptitude Test) conducted by IIM for MBA Entrance.

If you are preparing for the common aptitude test conducted by IIMs (Indian Institute of Management) for the entrance into the MBAprogram, then it's high time to know about the syllabus and the subdivisions of the units that are supposed to be asked in the entrance exam. So here is the list of the chapters or topics that are being asked in the CAT.

Unit – I: Quantitative Aptitude

  1. Number System
  2. Set theory
  3. Functions
  4. Average, ratio and proportions
  5. Algebra-1 (This part of algebra consists of the topics covered till high school level)
  6. Algebra-2 (This part will focus on the topics that were covered at 10+2 level)
  7. Geometry
  8. Mensuration
  9. Percentage, profit and loss
  10. Time, distance and work
  11. Permutation, combination and probability
Unit – II: Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency and Reasoning
  1. Line and Bar chart
  2. Pie Chart
  3. Data Tabulation
  4. Data Sufficiency
  5. Logical Reasoning
  6. Analytical Reasoning

Unit – III: Verbal Ability
  1. Vocabulary
  2. Grammar ( Grammar portion are asked using the error detection and fill in the blanks formatted problems)
  3. Paragraph Construction
  4. Critical Reasoning
  5. Reading Comprehension based on Social Studies
  6. Reading Comprehension based on Natural Sciences
  7. Reading Comprehension based on Humanities

Please note that reading comprehension based on social studies, natural sciences and humanities will not test your knowledge on any particular aspect of their respective topics, rather it will test your thinking, concepts and mindsets related to that field.

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