You might have come across many websites asking for your email ids for some kind of
freebies. But in maximum cases as per my experience after you unsubscribe from their mailing
lists, they sell off your email ids to some other company that pays them to provide mailing
lists. And after this you will have to switch over your email ids due to lot of spams your
Now the problem is how to come up above this problem of spams like Viagra spams, lottery
spams, jobs spams etc. So for this problem yahoo mail offers another service to their
customer i.e “Disposable Email adresses”.
So from now onwards you can create disposable email ids and give that address to the
websites and if you start receiving spams then simply delete that address, without changing
your yahoo account.
You can create disposable email id by following these steps.
1. Signin to your yahoo mail
2. Click on the drop down button “Options” on the top left corner. And select “Mail
3. In the right side you will see an option of “disposable email addresses”. Click on
4. Following window will be shown. Click on “Add Address” button on the top
5. Next you will be asked to enter the some initial word like so that your email will
look like . In this case the word “initial” will be fixed for you
(of course you can change it later. And the “emailid”, you can add upto 500 email ids like
that with same initial.