
Most Popular Open Source Softwares List

Most Popular Open Source Softwares List.

Open source softwares are now a days gaining much popularity both for users and software developers. The reason behind the popularity of Open Source is its open behaviour, more specifically, the open source softwares are not only free but are allow the developers to make editings in the software code to make it
innovative. This open approach provides the software user to make good use of it since they can get periodic updates with many new features for free. Here is a list of all the open source softwares that I have used or known till date and are popular among the users and developers. This list contains only the open source softwares that I have known till date. If you find any other popular open source software, then do comment below to get it included in the list.

Some of the most popular open source free softwares are

  1. Ubuntu Linux: Ubuntu is linux based operating system like windows and Mac
  2. Open Office[dot]org: It is one of the most popular office suite similar to Microsoft Office.
  3. Firefox Browser: It is an open source free internet browser with numerous adds-on available in its free adds-on market place.
  4. Thunderbird Email Client
  5. Debian Linux
  6. TYPO3 CMS
  7. Android OS: It is one of the most popularly used operating system for smartphones.
  8. Smoothwall proxy and firewalls
  9. Virtual Box Virtualiasation
  10. Libre Office: It is an open source office suite similar to Open Office.org and is one of the strong competitior of OpenOffice.org under Open Source Office suite category.
  11. Latex
  12. Inkscape
  13. VNC remote desktop
  14. Eclipse IDF
  15. Netbeans IDE
  16. My SQL Database
  17. Apache Web server
  18. Drupal: Website designing and content management software
  19. Joomla: It is also another open source free software similar to Drupal
  20. Wordpress CMS
  21. Filezilla
  22. CuteFTP
  23. GNU Cash
  24. TurboCash

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