How to add an Email Preview Pane in Gmail

The reason behind Google’s success in the internet is because of its innovation. Google invests a lot of revenue in innovating its product via its online lab known as Google Labs. Using this Google lab, the developers can make various kinds of experimental stuff. Well this post is about Developer Peter B &
Michael K, who have created a Gmail feature which helps the users by providing them a preview pane to read mails on the right side of the of the Gmail account dashboard. This ensures that the mails are read faster reducing time for each mail to load as that was in Gmail’s conventional feature.

Now let’s discuss how to add the preview pane. Follow the given steps:
  • Login into your Gmail account using standard view of mails.
  • Now on the top right corner of your dashboard, you will find a Gear shaped icon called “settings menu”. Click on that, a drop down menu will appear in front of you. From that menu. Click on the “mail settings” option.
  • Now mail settings will be shown with many tabs present in it. Select the “Labs” tab to search for the Gmail labs’ experimental stuff.
  • Now the Google Labs tab will be shown. Type the keyword “Preview pane” in the search box. The “preview pane” feature will be shown as shown in the image
Gmail Lab Preview Pane Gadget

  • Now as shown in the image given above, click on “enable” and then save changes to add the preview pane feature.
  • Now the Gmail dashboard will load again with new settings.
  • Now above the list of emails, go to the right side corner on the top of list. There will be a box type icon as shown in the image. Click on the drop down menu adjacent to it and select any of the 2 available options, that is either ‘vertical split’ or ‘Horizontal split’
Split settings of preview pane
  • Now the emails will shown in left sidebars, while the preview pane will be located on its right. You can click on any email on the conversation and see the full mail on the preview pane.