Markdown to HTML Converter with live Preview

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is this tool about?

This is an online Markdown Editor cum previewer. It is a text editor which helps you write Markdown, a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor.

2. What is the Preview feature?

This editor supports a preview feature which allows you to see how your Markdown text will look when rendered as HTML. This will help you visualize the final output without leaving the editor.

3. What is the HTML View feature?

This editor supports an HTML View feature. This view shows the HTML code generated from your Markdown text. You can make use of this feature to get the source HTML code if you want to use the markdown preview in your HTML code of other projects.

4. How do I switch between Preview and HTML View?

You can switch between Preview and HTML View by selecting the radio button options provided above the editor’s preview box.

5. Can I write and preview my Markdown simultaneously?

Yes, you can write your Markdown in this editor and see the changes instantly on the Preview pane.

6. Which all Markdown syntax is supported?

This editor supports most of the wide range of Markdown syntax, including headers, bold and italic text, lists, links, images, blockquotes, code blocks, and many more.

7. How can I include an image in my Markdown?

You can include an image using the following syntax:

![Alt text](image-url)

Here, you need replace “Alt text” with the description of the image and “image-url” with the link to the image.

8. Why is my Markdown not rendering correctly?

To ensure your Markdown is rendering correctly, ensure that your Markdown syntax is correct. You can refer to Markdown guides and documentation to verify the syntax.

9. How can I share my Markdown document?

You can share your Markdown document by copying the Markdown text or the HTML code generated from this tool and sharing it with others via email, messaging apps, or by embedding it in web pages.

10. Is there a mobile version of the Markdown Editor?

Yes, this editor is designed to be mobile responsive. Hence it can be used on mobile devices and tablets for on-the-go editing and previewing.

11. How do I reset the editor to its default state?

You can refresh the page to reset the editor to clear all text and settings.

12. How do I provide feedback or report an issue?

You can provide feedback or report issues through the "Contact" page of our website. We would love to hear inputs and aim to improve our tool based on your suggestions.

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