Uptime SLA Calculator

Calculate allowed downtime of your web application based on the agreed Uptime SLA percentage

Enter the SLA (in %)

Allowed Downtime with {{slaInput}}% SLA

Time Downtime
Daily: {{dailyDowntimeStr}}
Weekly: {{weeklyDowntimeStr}}
Monthly: {{monthlyDowntimeStr}}
Quarterly: {{quarterlyDowntimeStr}}
Yearly: {{yearlyDowntimeStr}}

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an SLA?

SLA stands for Service Level Agreement. It is a contract between a service provider and a customer that defines the level of service expected from the service provider.

What is an Uptime SLA?

Uptime SLA refers to the minimum agreed uptime or maximum agreed downtime of the IT service or infrastructure as per the contract between the service provider and the customer. It specifically refers to the terms of service around IT application Uptime and Downtime metrics.

How does this Uptime SLA Calculator work?

This calculator allows you to input the desired uptime percentage (e.g., 99.9%, 99.95%, 99.99%, etc). It them calculates the corresponding downtime for daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly periods.

What does 99.9% uptime mean?

A 99.9% uptime means the service is available 99.9% of the time, allowing for approximately 8 hours and 46 minutes of downtime expected per year.

How can I use this Calculator?

To use this calculator, simply enter the desired uptime percentage into the tool. The tool will then automatically calculate the allowed downtime for various time periods such as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly periods. It will display the downtime converted in the form of hours, minutes and seconds.

Can I use this tool for different services contexts or systems?

Yes, this tool can be used for websites, servers, hosts, or any other service where uptime and downtime metrics are important.

How do I set realistic SLA uptime targets for my business?

To arrive at and set realistic SLA uptime targets in your service contract, you can follow these steps:

  • Understand the scope of your service.
  • Analyze historical data of your application uptime and downtime.
  • Study the industry benchmarks of these metrics.
  • Factor in the customer expectations.
  • Consider the potential risks for downtime .

What are the key components of an SLA uptime and downtime calculation?

The key components of an SLA uptime and downtime calculation includes the following:

  • Agreed uptime percentage
  • Total service period
  • Downtime duration
  • Any Exclusions (e.g., scheduled maintenance)

Can I use this calculator for ensuring compliance with SLA requirements?

Yes, the Uptime SLA Calculator helps ensure compliance with SLA requirements by providing clear downtime estimates exepcted, which can be used to monitor and report service performance.

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